The quest to heal your birth story has led you here.
Birth is always an initiation, and sometimes can be deeply challenging. Unwished-for events, unplanned outcomes, or a birth experience that is very different than expected can leave us with a sense of loss or confusion.
Because your story matters, reach out to us for a healing session.
Our time together cannot change what happened but is carefully designed around your particular story and, like a soothing balm, will help you find what you need to create healing along with freedom to move forward in your life with greater ease and an open heart.

GUINA BIXLER. Advanced Birth Story Listener, Birth Art Guide, Overnight Postpartum Doula, Childbirth Educator
E mail:
PHONE: 404-307-0440

PAM ROE. Advanced Birth Story Listener, Birth Art Guide, Lactation Educator and Counselor, PSI (Postpartum Support International) trained professional, Childbirth Educator
PHONE: 404-822-3885